Friday, August 15, 2008

Still No Baby

Well it is the 15th of August and Baby Link has still not made an appearance. It is three days until her actual due date, but we keep hoping we won't have to wait that long or longer. We are all anxious for her to get here.

Laura left with Keith last night to head South to college in Jacksonville, FL. She decided she wanted a change and felt the Lord leading her to Trinity. She has switched her major from Phys Ed/Health to Elementary Ed. She feels like she can do more with that type of degree. Keith and Laura stopped overnight in VA and stayed at Grandma's house. They got to Jacksonsville at about 7:15 pm.

Grandma is doing ok except she now has a blood clot in her leg. They wanted to put her in the hospital again, but she begged the dr. to let her go home and have the lady who stays with her help her take care of her leg there. We just found out that when she had her stroke last time that apparently she had a heart attack first.

Our pet hamster died last week. She was two years old which is a good long life for a hamster. We will miss the little critter, but we are definitely done with hamsters. Two is enough for any family. As they say, "Been there, done that."

"Cinnamon" aka Two Tone

Life advances on. With the Lord's help, we take it all in stride.


Mary said...

Poor Cinnamon :( I talked to Sarah today and told her that we'd be praying for the baby to come real soon. She said she looks at it this way--in a couple weeks at most she'll be seeing this baby. She won't stay in there forever :)

Janelle said...

Aw the hamster is cute. I am excited for Laura going to Trinity. I hope she has a great year.