Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grammy's Been Thinking (Oh My)

I was thinking that I am way more concerned over my grandchildren than I feel that I was with my own children. Are they gaining too much weight, are they not gaining enough weight, are they doing what they are suppose to be doing for their age, are they too cold, are they too hot, is that toy safe for them to play with and on and on it goes.

I was asking my Mom if she thought she worried more as a grandma than she did as a Mom and she said that she did. Is it because we are so busy when our kids are young that we don't have time to worry so much and now that our kids are grown we have more time? Maybe we just expect even more out of our grandchildren than we did their parents. Or maybe we didn't do something right with our kids and now the negativity of that action will affect our grandchildren. Or could it just be that as we age we have just forgotten the stress and just focus on the good parts of raising children?

I could probably go on and on and psychoanalyze myself all day. But I better stop now. I might come up with something specifically about myself that I fear may one day show up in my grandchildren and that wouldn't be good. Or worse yet, something from their grandpa, Mom, Dad, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. I better stop, I am really scaring myself now.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Visit to Indiana

We went to Indiana over a week ago to visit Sarah, Donald and of course Chesney. She is still a little thing. We think she is going to take after her Aunt Beka and be a skinny little girl. Here a some pictures for you to enjoy.

Chesney with her little pumpkin gourd.
Mommy, Chesney and Dadddy

Sweet Chesney

Grammy and Chesney

Grandpa, Grammy and Chesney

Saturday, October 4, 2008

C is for ...

I just realized I never wrote an acrostic for Chesney after she was born and so here is my attempt at it.


C is for how Cute you are upon my knee

H is for the Happiness you bring to me

E is for the Extraordinary parents that you see

S is for the Saviour who holds the key

N is for the Numerous places you will go

E is for Everyone you will get to know

Y is for You because we love you so

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hurricane Ike Hits Ohio

We have had an interesting few days. Hurricane Ike blew through here on Sunday afternoon. There was damage all over and several hundred thousand people were without power. We lost power for 24 hours, Josh and Mary were without power for about 55 hours and Sarah and Donald 3 hours from here in IN were without power and water for about 48 hours. Many power lines were down as well as many trees. There was also roof damage, street lights down and a few crushed houses and cars. The wind speeds were the same as a category I hurricane. As you can tell it was quite a widespread and powerful storm. The weird thing is that it was all wind and no rain which turned out to be a good thing. PTL no one we know was hurt and the temperatures were very comfortable at night with open windows. Our neighbors behind and beside us had several branches fall out of their trees. The schools were all closed as well as many businesses. Some schools are still closed today and a couple hundred thousand people are still without power. They say that it may take several more days to restore power. Louisville, KY near where Sarah and Donald are could be without power for another 10-14 days.

Damage in our neighbor's back yard

Onto better and cuter things. Bek, Han and I all went out to Sarah, Donald and of course baby Chesney's on Friday and Saturday. This was the first time that Bek had seen Chesney. Sarah and the baby are doing really well.

Here are some pictures from that trip.

1 & 2. Aunt Bek and Chesney

3 & 4. Chesney with the little bear Aunt Bek got her at the NY state fair

5. My favorite picture of the trip as Chesney looks like she is smiling

6. Pretty girl

7. Grammy holding Chesney

8. Aunt Hannah and Chesney

9. Donald and Sarah in their Ohio State colors

10. Video of Chesney

Friday, September 5, 2008

Coming Home

Baby Chesney and cousin Matthew

Uncle Josh, Aunt Mary and Chesney

Presenting Little Chesney Lorraine

Here are the pictures that were taken in the hospital after Chesney was born.

The happy mother (Sarah Lorraine) and baby (Chesney Lorraine)
Chesney means peacemaker

The happy dad, mom and baby

Grammy (Vicki Lorraine) and Chesney
Chesney is the fourth generation with the middle name of Lorraine
Great Grandma is Helen Lorraine

Aunt Hannah and baby

Grandpa Randall and Chesney

Grandpa and Chesney

It's a girl--bubble gum

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

Chesney in the bonnet Sarah wore as a baby

Getting Caught Up

I am sorry it has taken me so long to post, but Sarah didn't have internet and by the time I got home on Sunday, I had my own kids to take care of and tons of stuff to get caught up on including emails, laundry, grocery shopping, homeschool, homeschool co op, dr. appts. piano lessons, volleyball games and a pretty sick Bek.

Bek went to NY to visit family while we were visiting the baby in Indiana. When she got back on Sunday night she wasn't feeling well. By Monday she had a fever as high as 102 degrees. We believe she has strep. She had an antibiotic from her dental implant about ten days ago that she is taking so hopefully she will be better in a few days.

I will try and get more pictures of the baby and all up soon. Hopefully by the end of today as we have an all day volleyball tournament in Indiana tomorrow. The fun just never stops. :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our First Granddaughter!

Chesney Lorraine
August 26, 2008
5:06 pm
7 lbs. 15.6 oz.
19.5 in.
Light brown hair
Blue eyes
Proud Parents: Sarah & Donald

Proud Grandparents: Keith & Vicki

Randall & Barbara

Donald, Sr.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008


No baby yet. :(
Just keep praying that Sarah will have the baby soon and that she will go into labor on her own before they are scheduled to induce her Monday.
A cartoon to amuse us while we wait.

Aunt Beka and Matthew

Video of Bek and Matthew when she was undressing him and getting him ready for bed the night she and Laura babysat him a few weeks ago. Do you think she needs a little more practice?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer Family Fun

These are the last of the pictures from our summer that I have left to put up. Some are from the Fourth of July and some are from when we went to Carriage Hill a few weeks ago. Carriage Hill is a park that is near our house. There are a couple of silly videos that the girls did on the Fourth and also at the park. Laura took most of the pictures except for the ones she is in of course.