My daughter in law Mary is looking great for 35 weeks. I don't think that I ever looked that good when I was that far along. I think that she and Josh will be really good parents. As good as us? Maybe. :)
I talked to my daughter Sarah who is due with our second grandbaby in August and she and her husband (Donald) got to hear the heartbeat last week. The dr. said that it was perfect. Of course, just like Grammy! :)
It seems like everyone and their sister is pregnant. Everyone seems to know someone who knows someone else that is pregnant. I guess the Lord is building his army. Won't it be interesting to see what all of these little ones will do in 20 years or so? It's hard to believe that my little ones are big ones. The years just seem to move swiftly by.
The countdown continues.
I agree with you, Mary is absolutely radiant & gorgeous! I know they'll make wonderful parents! Won't be long now @ all! Enjoy every moment, Vicki!
Mary is absolutely beautiful pregnant! Looking forward to seeing pics of Sarah pregnant, too. Josh and Mary will make excellent parents. God blessed them with excellent parents who taught them God's ways and I know that their children will be the same.
Yay for hearing the heartbeat! I remember when I first heard it. I got more emotional over that than the first ultrasound. I guess it made it so real to actually hear another life in there, as opposed to just seeing it on a screen. I called Josh on the way home from that appointment and I was all crying and stuff. He hasn't had to deal with too many weepy incidents, but at least that one was a happy one, instead of me being mad at him or something :)
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