Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No April Fools

Fifteen years ago today in Albuquerque, NM at 3:54 pm MST Hannah Joy was born. Keith & I always tried to play at least one joke on each other all the years before this. We were so busy that day that we didn’t even realize until the next day that we hadn’t played a joke on each other. I guess having a baby on April Fools Day was enough fun for one day.

People say that having a birthday on April Fools Day must be tough, but no one ever really made fun of Hannah over it. One woman we know that was born on April Fools Day had it rough growing up especially from her cousins who would give her things like a phone book for a gift. Relatives of one guy we know who was born on that day after several sisters thought his Mom & Dad were playing a joke on them when they told them that they had a boy.

Anyway, I can’t believe that my baby is fifteen years old already. She is already talking about getting her permit which you can’t do until 15 ½ in Ohio. She takes after her Mom in height, so I told her she had to get taller before she can drive. Do you think that will work?

Speaking of babies, while we are still basking in the glow of our new little grandson, we found out yesterday that our oldest daughter, Sarah and her husband are having our first granddaughter. We get one of each our first year in the grandparent business. Pretty good, huh? It was the day before April Fools and I asked her if it was a joke and she said no, of course. She was thrilled to find out that everything looked good and the baby appears to be healthy. Only 20 weeks to go!
Congratulations Donald & Sarah!

Happy 15th Birthday, Hannah!

We love you! Contrary to what you think, even though we have grandbabies, you will always be our baby.


Eden said...

Glad to hear that Sarah is doing well in her pregnancy and that your granddaughter is healthy.

Congrats on finding out what Sarah and Donald are expecting.

Janelle said...

How exciting that they are having a girl. Hooray!
I hope Hannah had a good bday.

Moz + Pam said...

Congratulations on your granddaughter-to-be! It's nice to have both genders!

Mary said...

Happy b-day, Hannah! Poor Matthew is outnumbered by gender among his cousins. Maybe Dave and Jess will have a boy to help him out :)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Hannah!

Congratulations Carter family on the gorgeous baby boy and the wonderful news of a baby girl! How exciting!

Love your blog Vicki!